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We perform the following services:


Market research in Israel, search for the commercial potential of the products to be penetrated in the Israeli market.


Search for Israeli counterparts and partners for projects and joint ventures, commercial links in South America and Spain.


Preparation of agendas for companies and trade missions that visit Israel.


Simultaneous technical translation for commercial missions.


Escort and guide in the initiation of commercial activity of foreign companies in Israel, contacts with professionals according to needs, such as lawyer and accountant offices, customs, etc.


Consultech is a collaborator and representative in Israel of Asturex, a joint bureau belonging to Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs (FADE), the Chambers of Commerce of Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés, and Cajastur that fosters a greater presence of Asturian companies in international markets.






Kachalit Heharim 16/11

Modi'in, 71700


Tel: +972 52 4892329

Tel: +972 52 4487838





López de Neira 3, Of. 301

Vigo, 36202


Tel: +34 986 447 337


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